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Bookings / 訂艙事項
How to check the Container Specification and Weight Limits?
Container Specifications
Estimated CO2 Emissions
Cómo hacer una reserva en GreenX?
How to cancel a booking? / 如何取消訂艙?
Preventing multiple clicks on "Search" button
What can I do if I am unable to login?
How can I download Booking Confirmation?
What is Express Service?
How to Make a Booking on GreenX
Can I amend container types and the number of containers after a booking is submitted?
What does the “Status” column mean?
What does the“ Actions” column mean?
If I have a booking with multiple containers in it, and I want to cancel one container out of the batch, can I do that?
When do customers receive booking confirmations?
Can customers track their cargo on GreenX?
Why are customers unable to book with a contract rate on GreenX?
What commodities can a customer book on GreenX?
Can customers view all their bookings on GreenX?
Cannot find port pair I want ?